Writing Score Guide

A. No clear thesis (- 10 points) ____

B. Inadequate development ( - 10) ____

C. Lack of unity (- 10) ____

D. Weak organization ( -5 ) ____

E. Weak coherence ( -5 ) ____

F. Mechanical errors

( Image By: Charm Graphics )
  I. Major errors (-5 )

          1- fragment ____

          2- fused sentences ____

          3- comma splice ____

          4- faulty agreement ____

          5- substandard English ____

          6- ackward phrasing ____

  II. Minor errors ( -2 )

          1- Faulty reference ____

          2- Comma needed ____

          3- Spelling ____

          4- parallelism ____

          5- Dangling/ misplaced modifier ____

          6- Split infinitives ____

          7- Misuse of punctuation ____

G. Imprecise &/or informal diction ( -2 ) ____

H. Weak content /Weak opening /Weak ending  (-5 ) ____

I. Other:

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